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Athletes run full marathon at North Pole

发布时间:2012-04-11  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]


Runners took on a rare and extreme challenge at the top of the world last Friday. Forty of them gathered at the North Pole and ran a full marathon distance of 42.195 kilometers in temperatures of minus 26 degrees Celsius.

The athletes ran around a research station at the pole and had to remain in plain view of observers to make sure they did not fall or freeze. The course was marked out on the ice with flags.

Dr Andrew Murray hopes his achievements will encourage others to get active.

Faces had to be protected from the cold with masks. Refreshment stops were frequent with runners taking on hot drinks. Bathroom breaks were also taken indoors because of the difficulty of removing layers of warm clothing.

Andrew Murray of Great Britain finished first in an impressive 4 hours 17.08 seconds with Luis Alonso Marcos of Spain just 2.30 minutes behind. Demelza Farr of Australia won the women’s event in a time of 6 hours 6.36 seconds.

Daughter of Irish endurance runner Richard Donovan, Jaimie, with supporters at the North

Eight-year-old Jaimie Donovan is the youngest
person to reach the North Pole.


中国公共网摘编:GAN JADE

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